About us

History of the kindergarten

MALUTKOWO started in 2011 as a toddler club. It was born out of passion and love. Passion for working with children and love for them. Our aim was to create a place that would replace a warm home for the children of those parents who are professionally active and need to entrust their children to us for a while. Soon more nurseries were established, in new locations, and as a consequence of demand and suggestions from parents, our nursery school has also been in operation since 2014. Today, there are already 3 nursery schools in operation, attended by around 200 children. This year our nursery schools are celebrating their 10th anniversary.

Successful kindergarten

We have won 1st place twice in a dance competition, and we take part in competitions and sporting events in which the children win prizes. We took 2nd place in the Kindergarten for Medal poll in 2018 and 1st place in 2021. We received the Healthy Kindergarten Certificate, carrying out activities on healthy eating. Our kindergarten is modern and well-equipped. We have min. We have, among others, a Magic Wall and a Magic Carpet, overhead projectors (on which the teachers prepare presentations for the children). We have our own garden with a climbing wall, as well as houses and other garden toys, and a gym equipped with a gym for children. We have our own stage where theatricals and children’s performances take place during celebrations such as Pasowanie na Przedszkolaka, Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day, End of the Year, Nativity plays. Sound and lighting equipment contribute to the quality of the performances. We run our own kitchen, based on healthy and fresh products, introducing varied meals rich in vitamins and balanced macronutrients into the children’s diet. Depending on allergies or dietary preferences, you can choose a vegetarian diet, vegetarian + fish, dairy-free, low-fructose, elimination of various products. We prepare healthy substitutes for sweets, our own baked goods, special occasion meals (e.g. for Fat Thursday or Pizza Day) and focus on using seasonal produce and unprocessed meals.

We involve children and their parents in charity events such as the Noble Parcel (in which we have participated 6 times), the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) and collections for animals from the KTOZ shelter in Krakow. Our mission is also to make children sensitive to animals, which is why we organise numerous meetings with the keepers of such animals as alpacas, frogs, spiders, snakes, owls, butterflies, puricas or turtles, who show the children the animals, tell them about them and allow them to take souvenir photos.

Żłobek Łepkowskiego 5

Przedszkole Łepkowskiego 7

Krakowskie Żłobki i Publiczne Przedszkole w Krakowie

NIP: 685-103-74-89

REGON: 121870434

Numer konta bankowego: 72 1050 1445 1000 0090 9130 5319