
Nursery admission form

Child details

Additional information about the child:

Has your child previously attended a nursery/pre-school?

From when would a child be expected to attend Malutkowo?

Does the child have a disability certificate?
Does the child have a statement of special education needs?


Personal data of the child's parent/legal guardian:

Contact details:


Downloadable PDF recruitment documents must be legibly completed and submitted in person to the Director of Pedagogical Services at the kindergarten (ul. Łepkowskiego 1, ENTRY No. 1).

Nursery – documents:

Żłobek Łepkowskiego 5

Przedszkole Łepkowskiego 7

Krakowskie Żłobki i Publiczne Przedszkole w Krakowie

NIP: 685-103-74-89

REGON: 121870434

Numer konta bankowego: 72 1050 1445 1000 0090 9130 5319