Strona główna › Nursery › Pricing
Our nursery is covered by the “Aktywnie w żłobku” subsidy
USTAWA z dnia 15 maja 2024 r.
o wspieraniu rodziców w aktywności zawodowej oraz w wychowaniu dziecka – „Aktywny rodzic”
Information on subsidies granted by the Municipality of Krakow
Administrative fee – PLN 700
The administration fee is payable on the day the contract is signed and is valid for the 12 months of the contract. The fee includes the child’s insurance, a basic layette and a guaranteed place in the nursery.
In our nursery we provide:
Hourly passes:
After exceeding the 40-hour limit for a child’s stay in the nursery, the fee is PLN 1,500 (the amount is refunded to participants of the “Actively in the nursery” program). The pass can be used during the first month of the child’s stay in the nursery. Unused hours may be carried over to the next month.
The cost of full board (breakfast, soup, second course, afternoon tea) is 21 zł / day.
The cost of individual meals:
The cost of vegetarian and dairy-free diets is +2 zł/day.
Food is settled at the end of the month. Parents pay for used portions by the 5th day of the following month.
Do not wait any longer! Enrol your little one now and provide them with an unforgettable experience that will shape their future!
We will answer all your questions. Feel free to contact us.
NIP: 685-103-74-89
REGON: 121870434
Numer konta bankowego: 72 1050 1445 1000 0090 9130 5319