

Staying in kindergarten

PLN 0 (up to 5 hours a day)


As part of the implementation of the core curriculum, children’s stay in the kindergarten for 5 hours is free of charge.

For each hour of use of the kindergarten’s services by a child up to 5 years of age, after the first 5 free hours, the parent shall pay a fee in the amount of:

1) PLN 1.30 for each commenced hour

2) PLN 0.65 per commenced hour for families covered by the Krakow Family Card 3+ Programme

as of 1 January 2017, parents of children performing compulsory annual pre-school preparation (and older) in public kindergartens (pre-school units in a primary school or other forms of pre-school education) are exempt from paying fees for additional hours. The fee exemption takes effect from the beginning of the school year (from 1 September) in the calendar year in which the child turns 6 years old.

The fee for hours is paid after they have been billed, at the end of the month.


20 zł/day


The cost of full board (breakfast, soup, second course, afternoon tea) is £20/day. Cost of individual meals:

The cost of vegetarian and dairy-free diets is +2 zloty/day.

Food is settled at the end of the month. Parents pay for used portions by the 10th of the following month.

List of allergens

Żłobek Łepkowskiego 5

Przedszkole Łepkowskiego 7

Krakowskie Żłobki i Publiczne Przedszkole w Krakowie

NIP: 685-103-74-89

REGON: 121870434

Numer konta bankowego: 72 1050 1445 1000 0090 9130 5319